您的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > HACH实验室水质分析仪 > 哈希电极及其他耗材 > 27793012779301
产品名称: 2779301产品型号: 2779301产品时间: 2017-04-27Use m-ColiBlue24® Broth to accuray monitor and evaluate total coliform and E. coli in drinking water; wastewater; bottled water; beverages; surface, ground, and well water; and ultrapure, chemical
Conduct emergency testing and routine monitoring
Get superior sensitivity- 1 CFU/100mL
Eliminate special equipment and ultraviolet lamp
Read and confirm results in 24 hours
200 tests
- (上一篇):27793002779300
- (下一篇):27793022779302