您的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > HACH实验室水质分析仪 > 哈希电极及其他耗材 > 2833149
产品名称: 2833149产品型号:产品时间: 2017-02-21Wastewater Influent Inorganics Quality Control Standard. Ready to use; no dilutions required. Mixed standard contains: Ammonia Nitrogen 15 mg/L NH3-N, Nitrate Nitrogen 10 mg/L NO3--N, COD: 500 mg/L. P
Wastewater Influent Inorganics Quality Control Standard. Ready to use; no dilutions required. Mixed standard contains: Ammonia Nitrogen 15 mg/L NH3-N, Nitrate Nitrogen 10 mg/L NO3--N, COD: 500 mg/L. Phosphate 10 mg/L PO43-. Sulfate 400 mg/L SO42-. TOC: 161 mg/L. 500 mL.Bottle